2~. Salaad badan oon la koobin Rabbow, Rasuulka iyo Aalka
noo siiyeey
- Saxaabta xabiibka suubanne iyo, Islaamka salaan kork06da
Daughter of the Prophet
:1. 0 noble woman, FAT Ir.-fAH, secret of the Prophet, hear
our prayers quickly and help us
2. 0 daughter of the Prophet, you have earned praise, you
are among the blessed pe0ple; pray to God [for us]
.3. 0 in the name of God, BATULAH, the most gracious one;
tell us glad tidings and bright auguries
4. 0 in the name of God, we ask you advice; you are rich
[in virtues], so pray to the Merciful one [for us]
~. Your provisions are the fruits of Paradise, so give us
the much blessed water
~. 0 you are the jewel which shone for the people and for
the jinns [alike] and which granted them favours
- 0 you whom the beloved one begot, 0 courteous one;
the truth which you illumine is the Truth
~. 0 cure [of my hear~, you are the one who set up the
[protective] fence for the Muslims, you have been
honoured by the Everlasting One
- 0 golden one, it profits us to celebrate the Remembrance
of you and to drink from the watering-trough of ?ara-
- o bounty of Paradise, the one, Prophet may God begot be pleased you;^0 merciful with you
11. 0 rose, you are the ZAMZAM of Paradise; we seek you,
so give us more
1'2. o wife of Sayid ALI,^0 lamp ~f Paradise], among your may we ranks be
13. 0 you who know how to expound the religious laws, your
glory cannot be estimated
14. 0 patient one, you were begotten by the noble Prophet,
and your words are always proper