(Chris Devlin) #1

20. 0 remover of the darkness of ignorance, you made the

faith clearly visible to us

21. 0 you whom we believe, 0 learned man whom God has


22. Beg the Rich One for us that we may benefit from His

parden at the time [of Judgement]

23. 0 saint from whom we expect blessing; God has granted

you favours

24. 0 most blessed QUTB whom we keep in our hearts and breasts

2~. 0 Imam for whom we have love in our breasts and bellies

  1. 0 saint who constantly practised goodness, we love you

sincerely in the name of God

  1. 0 mufti whom the Lord blessed, 0 you who made all Muslims
    2~. 0 you whom God has saved from Hell; the man who calls

you will be victorious

  1. 0 saint, those whom you have instructed have attained

goodness and practice the Remembrance

3b. 0 you whom God gave Virtue, 0 saint by whom we are guided

3i. 0 saint whom we invoke at the time when there is confusion

3.2. 0 Lord bless IA HA, the lamp of the prophets

3~. And his companions, and the people of his House, and all
his followers
i4. 0 you whom the light of dawn has illumined; forsake the

Textual Notes

Line '3. According to Somali tradition, Sheekh Yuusuf
Barkhadle devised a mnemonic system which made it

easy for the Somali children to learn the rudiments

of the Quran. This mnemonic system, which is still

used in Quranic schools, explains by means of short

descriptive phrases in Somali how one should pronounce

the letters and diacritics representing Arabic vowel
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