(Chris Devlin) #1

~. 0 first born child of Islam, 0 love of our hearts who

keeps them in health, grant my wishes quickly

lb. 0 mighty virtue whom the Just One made good we cry to

you, grant' my wishes quickly

  1. All the young and the old people have come to invoke you,
    o grant my wishes quickly
    iz. At the night prayer and the mid-afternoon prayer, you
    can hear my voice, 0 grant my wishes quickly

13. For fear of God you walked in solitude and worshipped

Him, grant my wishes quickly

14. You explain the knowledge of religion to each man in

his language, 0 grant my wishes quickly

  1. It is not difficult for the Merciful One to give children
    to a man who wants them, 0 grant my wishes very quickly
    l~. 0 you who honour your followers and all Muslim people,
    grant my wishes very quickly

1"7. Each man has kept your teachings in his language, 0

grant my wishes quickly

  1. 0 you who make the soil firm for those who come to you on

foot and give you offerings, grant my wishes quickly

Ij. Grant us well-grounded knowledge, long life, and abundant
sustenance, 0 grant my wishes quickly
zb. Grant us cure from illness, protection from shame, and
long life, 0 grant my wishes quickly
zi. My blessings as numerous as the grains of sand be upon
the beloved [Prophet], 0 grant my wishes quickly

zz. Also, may blessings be upon the people of his house, the

companions, and all those who follow him,O grant my wishes


Textual Notes

In this line reference is made to a sunset scene

much favoured in Somali culture. The enlarged

disc of the sun which is red at sunset (cadceed

dhac) throws its light (lit. 'stays on') on the
high clouds (calan).
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