Alit· Said
1. ALIF said, 'You must always consider the Hereafter;
you must fear God and know yourself.'
.2. BA.:) said, 'Begin with zeal the recitation of the Holy
Quran; beware of the evil which is present
on the earth. T
.3. TiP said, 'Be penitent, and repent; rich is a youth
whose heart perceives knowledge.'
- THA) said, 'Be firm in the affairs of your religion and
receive [your] rewards; you will be re-
compensed wi th the fruits of sweet Paradise.'
.5. JIM said, 'Is there not a seeker of Paradise? Will the
man who hears my answers not appreciate them?'
.6. I;IA:) said, 'Keep the words of the Quran in your heart
and abandon bitterness and rancour and
recognize what is just.'
.7 • KHAo said, '0 you, seeker 0 f the [fruitful] end; fear
the Lord, worship the Creator and be a pious
servant. '
.8. DAL said, 'The fai th of the FURQAN has the remedy;
worship the Everlasting One, and strive
for what is good.'
.9. DEAL said, 'This world is transient and fleeting, fear
the Glorious One, and remember the prayers.'
1:0. RA.:) said, 'The comforts of this world do not last;
remember your Lord, for the eternal bliss
11.. ZAC> sa i d ,
12. SIN said,
is in the Other World.'
'The glamour of this world will [surely] end;
take your sustenance and retreat from the
evil. '
'Devote yourself to the verses of religion and
do not be misguided by this troublesome world.'
13. SHIN said, 'Perform the five prescribed prayers, and be
thankful, for God has granted you the Holy
14. ~AD said,
15. 1;l}'\J) said,
Law. '
lOur Lord, The Truthful One, helps those who
are patient therefore endure [your distress].'
'0 you who are engrossed in deception, stop