1.6. 'fA:') s aid,
17. ZA said,
'0 you who are full of complaints, take the
"rightful path; remember your destiny for
God has shown you the way. '
'0 oppressors, follow the Friend; stop the
injustices and purify yourself for the Holy
Law. '
18. cAYN said, 'Our years are numbered, abandon disobedience
and worship the Lord. I
19. GHAYN said, 'Stop being obtuse and be righteous, God,the
Forgiver of sins, is bounteous.'
20. FA? said,
21. QAF said,
2.2. KAF said,
23. LAM said,
24. MI:rvr said,
is. NUN said,
26. WAW said,
27. I-IAO said ,
28. YP:? said ,
'God's rewards are immense; 0 since our peers
have gone away, how many homesteads are bereft
of people?'
'People shall be assembled on the Day of
Resurrection and every man will be shown a
book which is written about him,'
'Restrain yourself from the love of this world;
whoever strives for the Other World , God
leads him out of this world .'
'The world is like the blowing wind, a man
who lives in comfort which is complete and
lasts for ever, cannot be found.'
IAny man who accumulates wealth, [must know
that it is entrusted to him] like a guest;
and the angel [of death] is awaiting it in
some place.'
'Our Prophet Muhammad is a guide; the man
who believes him will find peace. '
'No tidings are left; listen to sermons., 0
brother, and perform good deeds.'
'Seek the Quran, for if you follow your
passions, you will mar your soul, so you
must restrain it.'
'At the Great Call for the Day of Resurrection
o God, grant us forgiveness of our sins.'