It points to you a distant shape on the horizon
with its hand
It leads you to disaster and calamity
(Text 23/41-44)
Al though much of the terri tory in which the Somal i nomads
graze their livestock is semi-arid, in some areas, when
the rains come, the grass grows up to several feet tall and
various kinds of trees and shrubs become thick with leaves
and flowers. Fresh grass, in the spring, is something which
is dearly cherished by the nomads and they show a passionate
interest in the life processes of plants and vegetation.
In the line below fresh grass is used as the symbol of the
transitory nature of human happiness and prosperity:
In cagaarka bixi caws laga dhigoo, carfi dhici
dadow la cajaa'ibay
o people marvel how the fresh grass changes into
withered hay and loses its fragrance
(Text 10/53)
A tract of land which is covered by green grass is both a
sign of beauty and a symbol of prosperity:
Weli cirfaanlow, cagaaran yaaloo cisi AlIa saarow
cajal muraadii
o \\!lise saint, 0 meadow which God exalted, grant my
wishes quickly
(Text 21/1)
Iminkaan furfurayaa tixdii, ubaxu saarraaye
But now, I shall lay open verses which are adorned
'vi th flower s
(Text 25/2)