Xamar: another name of Muqdisho (Mogadishu),
Xasan Xuseen: see Sheekh Xasan Xuseen.
YK SIN: the name of the XXXVlth Sura of the Quran.
Yuusu Barkhadle: see Sheekh Yuusuf Barkhadle
ZAMZAM: name of the sacred well in the Holy Mosque of
Xamar: another name of Muqdisho (Mogadishu),
Xasan Xuseen: see Sheekh Xasan Xuseen.
YK SIN: the name of the XXXVlth Sura of the Quran.
Yuusu Barkhadle: see Sheekh Yuusuf Barkhadle
ZAMZAM: name of the sacred well in the Holy Mosque of