(Chris Devlin) #1

is a system of equivalence, by which in the overall count

for each line two short units correspond to one long unit

i .. e. I + I :::: ·2.

Although Maxamed Xaashi Dhamacfs formulations may
require some minor adjustments in its detail, and perhaps

some further exploration into the problem of length of

diphthongs and accentuation, they have established beyond

any doubt the fundamental nature of Somali scansion.


The articles on scansion by Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac are

based on a book which he has written on the subject and which

is awaiting publication by the Academy of Culture in Muqdisho.

An English version of the book is also envisagerl.
There is another work, also awaiting publication,

called Gorfaynta Maansada fThe Analysis of Somali Poetryf

by Cabdilaahi piiriye Guleed? where the formulations on
scansion, though on similar lines, are further developed
and perfecte·d.
Somali Sufi poems are either chanted or sung with the

accompaniment of clapping and drums and sometimes also of

instrumental music. The study 6f the musical features of

the poems falls beyond the scope of this thesis and is

not included in her~.

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