Text 1
This poem, which is composed by Sheekh Caaqib Cabdilaahi,
is a sermon concerning God, His revelation and His creation
of mankind. In it he discusses some of the main principles
of Islam. In lines 1-15 the poet speaks of the Five Pillars
of I slam (ARKANU '~L-I SLAM), which he exhorts the Mus 1 ims
to observe. In lines 16-20 he declares the Pillars of
Sincerity (ARKANU tL-lijSAN); while in lines 20-53, he
explains the Six Pillars of the Fai th (ARKANU "L-IMAN) and
urges the believers to practice them with utmost sincerity.
To the Sufis, these three fundamental principles represent
SHARICAH (Islamic law), TARIQAH (The Way) and QAQIQAH
(Certainty) respectively; and the poet stresses their im-
portance in the Islamic doctrin:e.
In lines 53-77 the poet gives a brief account of the
difficult days and belligerent conditions in which early
Islam found itself but which ended with its triumph and
success. Furthermore, he states the importance of the
recitation of the Quran and proceeds to mention all the Suras
by name (lines 78 -17 i). He then moves on to describe the
story of ADAM and !jAWAo who, after they disobeyed the command-
ments of God, fell from His grace and the Garden of Eden;
and who were destined to live and die and people the earth
(173-244) • Finally, the poet ends his exhortation with a
note of warning in which he summons the believers to fear
In a sense, this poem provides a summary of Islamic
principles and practice~.
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