(Chris Devlin) #1
1071'2. Thirdly(lO):
Let us pay to the full the obligatory alms out

of the wealth(ll)

  1. Fourthly:

14. [ObeyingJ the righteous obligation

  1. We must fast during the month of RAlYIAl)AN
    16. The All-Knowing God


l7-lS. Has set down the tenets of Islam, which we must obey

  1. Know your God

  2. Your belief is increased by

21. Saying: We believe in God

  1. The angels of my Lord

23. Were not created to eat food

  1. They do not drink
    25-2~. We must recognize(27):

The duties to which they are assigned(25)

And the foundation at which they labour(26)

[The BookJ was perfected with one hundred [and ten

Suras J(29)
And the last four of them (2S)
30-3i. We must recognize(3l)
The source of our Book(30)
32-3~. We must obey(35)
The p-rophets of my Lord(32)
Who were His messengers(33)
And the words which they spoke(34)
36-4b. We must recognize(40)
The last days [will be like this]: (36)

Each man will pass away his time(37)

[ThenJthe Trwnpet will be blown calling people

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