1 i9. On the day when he [lCDAM] was created
- And the Angels 'I;[ho were near him
181. Were given a great command
l8j. To bow to the Imam
- IBLls refused and
184. He became a dweller of Hell and
- Until this time in which we live
- Runs amidst our surroundings
187. So, we must watch ourselves against him
- The following day
189. Our mother HAWAo and [our father] ADAM
190-191. Were gently offered(19l)
The fruits of the Garden(190)
192-194. They were told 1ucidly(194)
To guard their feet(193)
And their mouths against The Tree(192)
19~. IBLls who was cursed by God
19~. And who was truly in distress
197-198. Stood near(198)
The gate of the Garden(197)
- He was chased with a stick by a worthy one
- But, a serpent took [IBLYS's message] in its mouth
201-203. And went, carrying its evil(203)
And stood at the door of HAWk' (202)
who never repudiated ADAM(201)
[The words of IBLISto I-rAWAO]
20'4. 0 exal ted one, you are noble
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