(Chris Devlin) #1

1 i9. On the day when he [lCDAM] was created

  1. And the Angels 'I;[ho were near him

181. Were given a great command

l8j. To bow to the Imam

  1. IBLls refused and

184. He became a dweller of Hell and

  1. Until this time in which we live

  2. Runs amidst our surroundings

187. So, we must watch ourselves against him

  1. The following day

189. Our mother HAWAo and [our father] ADAM

190-191. Were gently offered(19l)
The fruits of the Garden(190)

192-194. They were told 1ucidly(194)

To guard their feet(193)
And their mouths against The Tree(192)
19~. IBLls who was cursed by God
19~. And who was truly in distress
197-198. Stood near(198)
The gate of the Garden(197)

  1. He was chased with a stick by a worthy one

  2. But, a serpent took [IBLYS's message] in its mouth
    201-203. And went, carrying its evil(203)

And stood at the door of HAWk' (202)

who never repudiated ADAM(201)

[The words of IBLISto I-rAWAO]

20'4. 0 exal ted one, you are noble


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