205. Don't you know that XDAM
- Has another lovely wife
- Who is as [beautiful as] you
208. She enters through the [same] door
which you leave the house
269. You should kn~w that she washes him
- You must reveal this to your mind:
- Break some. [fruit] from the tree
212. And say to him: have some of this food
- If he puts it into his mouth
- And brings its sweetness into his stomach
215. He will desire you
- That, you must know
[The poet resumes his narration]
21'7. When she heard those words
21'8. She went in haste
2l9-2l0. And broke some fruit(220)
From a blossoming tree(2l9)
22i. Then blood flowed from her copiously
222-223. The sound and healthy parts(223)
Of her female progeny(222)
2i4. Thus have acquired their blemish
- Due to the bruise inflicted on her
2i6. She ran [with the fruit] I towards ADAM
2i7. And she made food out of it
22.8. And she stole his mind from him
- And placed (the fruit] into his mouth