(Chris Devlin) #1

beings or animais. They do not eat nor do

they drink, and they are always preoccupied

with the worship of God.

Lines 28-3i. The poet has been led to make this obvious
digression by the alliterative sound of the
poem which in this case is a vowel. The


poet deviated from the main trend of his

thought to maintain the balance of the lines

in his poem and counted the Suras of the Holy

Quran as one hundred and four, while in actual

fact, the SUras of the Quran have been firmly

established as one hundred and fourteen.

Lines 32-3~. It is a notable feature that Islam recognizes

and respects the prophets who were sent to

other nation~. Moreover, some of their

messages are constantly recapitulated in the

Quran. Muslims are therefore mandated to

believe in those prophets who were sent

before Muhammad.
Lines 56-5~. These lines refer to the Prophet and to the
four Caliphs (ABU BAKAR A$-$IDIQ, cUMAR B.

ABU'1'ALIB). These distinguished men of

Islam were the companions of the Prophet.

They succeeded him for the leadership of the
Muslim community after his death.
poet praises their deeds.

Thus the

Lines 60-6'7. These lines allude to the day when the Call of

Prayer (ADHAN) was publicly announced fTom

the roof of the KADBA, the cube-like building

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