Text 2
In this short poem, the poetess, Khadiija Faarax, extols
God and thanks Him for His benevolence. Moreover, she
thanks God for choosing Muhammad as the Prophet of Islam.
Mahad Naq
- Bilawga Bisinkaaw horeeyoo, belaayo eri
- Ilaaha weyn ee wadduud ah, ee wanaagsanow
- Ilaaha samada iyo aradkaba, sameeyayow
- Ilaaha raxmadiisa, roobkaa na siiyayow
- Ilaaha Jannada iyo Naartaba, jideeyayow
6. Ilaaha khalqigiisaa abuuray, ee arsaaqayow
- Ee qoysana qays ugu darine, qaarba meel dhigow
~. Maxamed Nebi nooga dhigay, baan u mahad naqnaa
'I. In the beginning, the BISMALLAH comes first and
dispels evil
- 0 God, the Great One, the Loved One, the Good One
3. 0 God who created heaven and earth
4. 0 God who in His mercy gave us the rains
5. 0 God who founded Paradise and Eell
~. 0 God who created His creatures and fed them
7. And who did not deposit the portion of one family
in that of another, but placed each one in a different
.8. 0 God, who chose Muhammad as our Prophet, we thank