Text 4·.
This short poem, by an anonymous poetess, is in a peni-
tential mo~d. It is addressed to God whom the poetess
asks for personal salvation.
Allahyow i qabo
i. Qiiradaydi qabuurahay ku sheelantahay
- Qabraa laga daydayaa kuwaan la qosli jiray
j. Waana ii qalooc meeshiyoon, haddba qolo la joogsadaa
4. Qalbi la'aantayda qabrigaan ilaawayaa
~. 00 dunidaan u qoor lulaa, Allahayow i qabo
o God, save me
.1. My feelings are hidden in the cemetery
2. Those whom I used to laugh with are found ln the
- And it is not fitting for me, hence, to stand
chatting with a group of women
4. In my thoughtlessness, I do forget the grave
5 • And I shake my head inclined towards o God, the save world, ~e.