(Chris Devlin) #1

Text 5·

A popular device in Somali Sufi poetry is the personification
of the letters in the Arabic alphabet. The letters praise
God, pray to Him and advise the faithful to apply the tenets
of Islam to their live~. In this alphabetical poem by
Sheekh Caaqib Cabdilaahi, particular emphasis is placed on
the Divine Qualities i.~. God's eternal attributes and,

contrasting with them, the transience of the world. Inspir~d

by the Quran and the Sunna, the poem exhorts the faithful
to make their choice in favour of serving God and to abandon

the pursuits of earthly pleasures. The poem also speaks of

the punishment awaiting the evildoers on the Day of Resur-

rection and recommends the practice of Remembrance (DHIKR),

regarding it as the stirrup by which one can lift oneself

to eternal salvation.

Waano Diimeed

Ilaahii, yaa Ilaahii, yaa Ilaahii
Ilaahii, yaa Ilaahii, yaa Ilaahi~.

1. Arkaanull-Islaamka Eabbow noo adkeeyay.

2 • Alif wuxu yidhi, 'Adduunyadu waa bilaashe

  1. Ilaaha baa Icariimoo la irkadaaye

4. Ashahaadada ninkii qiray waa Islaame

,5 • Ash-haddu an laa ilaaha ilIa Laahu
~6 • Wa anna Muxamaclan Rasuula-Laahi.'
Ba'i waxay tidhi, 'Bisinkaa la cuskadaaye
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