Poetry for Students, Volume 29

(Dana P.) #1

Diving into the Wreck

‘‘Diving into the Wreck,’’ by the American poet
Adrienne Rich, was first published as the title
poem in her collectionDiving into the Wreckin

  1. The book is still in print, and the poem also
    appears in the 2002Norton Anthology of Amer-
    ican Literature. The early 1970s was a time when
    the women’s movement was having a significant
    influence on American society, and Rich’s poem
    reflects her interest in feminism, taking the form
    of a heroic quest. The poet/speaker presents her-
    self as a deep-sea diver who plunges into the
    ocean to examine the remains of an old sailing
    ship. The wreck she examines has different levels
    of meaning, referring to the neglected, unexa-
    mined inner lives of women, or perhaps to civi-
    lization itself, ruined by false ideas and
    stereotypes about gender and gender roles. The
    poet hopes to discard these falsehoods. ‘‘Diving
    into the Wreck’’ has had a prominent place in
    Rich’s oeuvre ever since its publication. It
    expresses her search for the truth about women’s
    lives and also represents an important landmark
    in the literature of second-wave feminism.

Author Biography

One of America’s leading contemporary poets,
Adrienne Rich was born on May 16, 1929, in
Baltimore, Maryland. Her father, Arnold Rich,
was a professor of pathology at Johns Hopkins
University, and her mother, Helen Jones Rich,




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