Style at Home

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Cover your cakein a bright shadeof sugarpasteGet the little ones excited aboutfood with these creative ideasKIDS’PART YTAKES 2HRSMAKES 15Preheat the oven to 160°C/Gas 3. Cream together 125gunsalted butter, 150g castersugar and a pinch of salt. Beatin 1 egg with a spoonful ofplain flour. Beat in a fewdrops of vanilla extract and245g plain flour until it formsa dough. Chill until firm enoughto roll. Roll out on a flouredsurface to 5mm thick. Usestar-shaped cutters to cutthe dough. Press a stick intoeach one. Put on parchment-lined baking sheets.Bake for15 mins until golden at theedges. Knead small amountsof sugarpaste in differentcolours and roll out to 3mmthick. Use the cutters to pressout stars. Place the stars onthe hot cookies. The heat willstick them in place. Transferto a wire rack to cool.Decorate with sugarpasteshapes, using water tostick them in place.STA R COOKIESCHOOSEA FUNKYSHAPEFinish of f with...Belle & Boo treat boxes,£4 for four, Talking Tables``````Pom pom party hats,£5.99 for six, Candle & Cake``````Rainbow party plate,£4.50 for 12, Berry Red``````BAKE ASPECIALTREATHost a funPINK POPCORNTAKES 45MINSSERVES 8-10Heat 2tbsp vegetable oil in a pan with a lid.Add 100g popping corn and cover the pan.When it starts popping, shake the pan, returnto the heat, shake it again, repeating until thepopping stops. Tip the popcorn onto a linedbaking tray and remove any unpopped kernels.Pour 100ml water into a pan, add 300g castersugar and 1tbsp honey and cook on a lowheat until the sugar dissolves. Wash downsugar crystals with a pastry brush. Turn upthe heat, bring to the boil and heat until itreaches 120°C, without stirring. Remove fromthe heat and add a little pink food colouring.Pour over the popcorn, leave to cool.104 |SEPTEMBER 2016

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