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(Nancy Kaufman) #1

+++++Pop these ingredients into your basket and try our speedy recipesBusy cook’sSHOPPING LISTSQUASH, CHORIZO &GOAT ’S CHEESE OMELETTEGOAT’S CHEESE OMELETTETAKES 25MINS SERVES 2Heat 2tbsp olive oil in a non-stickfrying pan. Add 1 sliced red onionand 350g diced butternut squashand fry for 10 min until soft. Add120g diced chorizo, then pour in6 lightly beaten eggs. Cook for``````5min. Meanwhile, preheat the grill.Add 120g sliced goat’s cheeseand 3tbsp chopped chives tothe eggs in the pan, fry on a lowheat for a couple of min, then popunder a hot grill for a few minsuntil firm and golden.``````ONEPOTDISH``````Goat’s cheese£3.50 (190g)``````Chives90p (25g)``````Chorizo£3 (225g)``````Butternut squash,£1.50 (1kg)``````TAKES 1HRMAKES 15 SQUARES300g plain flour 200gunsalted butter, cubed 100gground almonds 100g castersugar Pinch salt 350g plumconserve 50g flaked almondsIcing sugar for dusting1Preheat the oven to 180°C/Gas 4. Tip the flour into thebowl of a food processor andadd the butter, ground almonds,caster sugar and salt. Whizz untilthe mixture binds together.JAM CRUMBLE SQUARES2Add three quarters of themixture into the base of agreased and lined 18 x 28cm tin,spread it out evenly and thenpress it down very firmly. Spreadthe conserve over evenly.3Mix the flaked almonds intothe remaining crumb mixture,and press it together so it formslarger chunks. Scatter the crumbmixture over the top of the jam.4Bake for 45mins. Removefrom the oven. Leave to coolin the tin. Dust with icing sugar.``````Ground almonds,£1.20 (100g)``````Icing sugar£1.50 (500g)``````Plum jam£2.50 (295g)5 uses for...VANILLAPODS1Put a couple ofsplit vanilla podsinto a jar of sugar andshake every so oftento make vanilla sugar.2Scrape the seedsfrom a vanillapod and add to thesponge mix of aVictoria spongecake to add flavour.3Mix up a speedycheesecake. Mix150g crushed biscuitswith 30g meltedbutter and dividebetween six glasses.Beat 200g creamcheese, 4tbsp icingsugar, seeds from 1vanilla pod and 150mldouble cream untilthick. Divide betweenthe glasses and topwith sliced strawberries.4Make custard.Split a vanilla podin half and add to asaucepan with 570mlwhole milk, warmuntil almost boiling.Whisk 4 egg yolksand 2tbsp sugartogether. Removethe pod from themilk and whisk intothe eggs. Returnto the saucepanand gently heatuntil thickened.5Beat together400ml doublecream, 200gcondensed milk andseeds from 1 vanillapod with an electricwhisk to form softpeaks. Pour intotub and freeze tomake ice cream.PHOTOGRAPHSWOMAN’S WEEKLY, WOMAN, TIMEINCUKCONTENT.COM FOOD BUYS ALLMARKS & SPENCER. VANILLA POD, £3 FOR TWO, MARKS & SPENCER`````` SEPTEMBER 2016| 109SHOPPING LIST Cook it

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