1WATCH THEWEATHERChoose a cool,dry but cloudy day tominimise the risk ofstreaking. Sun can drywindows too quickly,leaving marks, sopick an overcast day!
2BRUSHOFF DIRTBefore you startcleaning, sweep awayany debris and givethe whole window panea brush down, thenyou can tackle themwith the hard stuff.
3DONâTOVERDO ITWhether youuse a special glasscleaner or hot soapywater, remember notto apply too much. Youwant to use just enoughto wipe the grime away.
4SHINE ONDry the glasswith a squeegee,then buff with a ballof scrunched-upnewspaper. The inkwill give your windowsthat extra addedshine and sparkle.
5BANISHCHEMICALSMake a solutionof 2 tbsp of whitevinegar to a smallbucket of warm waterand use a chamois toapply â itâs cheaper andbetter than chemicals.
6FINISHINGTOUCHESDonât neglectwindowsills and panes
- be sure to tackle anymildew thatâs grownover time. Once theyâreclean, you could givethem a lick of paint, too.6 WAYS TO SHINE WINDOWSWith our easy tips, youâll get glass gleaming in no time``````App to tapShpock, free (iOS, Android)If you love grabbing a bargain,then youâll love boot sale appShpock. If you see something you like, makean offer and agree the price with the seller.It makes buying and selling super easy.
You ask us...QIâve never triedwallpapering
before, but would loveto give it a go in myhouse. Iâve heard thatthe paste-the-walltype is the easieroption. Is this true?The thought of applyingwallpaper may seem dauntingto the absolute beginner, butpaste-the-wall wallpapermakes decorating swift andeasy. The Superfresco EasyPaste Kit, £10, from Graham& Brown (shown above), cutsdecorating time by half, thanksto a special backing thatdoesnât expand when wet.You simply paste the wallrather than the paper, sothereâs no need for a fiddlypasting table â you can thenhang it straight from the rolland cut it to fit. It also peelsoff easily without the needfor scraping and steaming,allowing you to keep up withthe latest interior trends.Nicky Jepson, SuperfrescoEasy Brand Managerat Graham & BrownGranny knows best4 USES FOR SALTItâs not just for sprinkling on chips!``````CLEAN YOUR IRONClean build-up off the face of your iron byscattering salt onto a piece of parchment paperand running the hot iron over it until any dirtymarks are released. Let the iron fully cooldown, then wipe with a damp cloth.``````CLEAR FLOWER RESIDUE FROM VASESIf flowers have left a buildup of grime on theinside of your glass vases, wash the offendingareas with a strong solution of salt and waterto remove any dirty marks.``````REMOVE TEA AND COFFEE STAINSScrub inside tea- or coffee-stainedmugs with salt and a damp clothto remove discolouration.``````BEATWATERMARKS.ON WOODMix 1 tsp salt witha few drops ofwater to form apaste and work overthe spot until itâs gone.
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nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)