Style at Home

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Stylistsat HomeLUCY SAYS‘Using small bitsof fabric is agreat way torepurpose them.It also meansyou can haveexpensivefabrics in yourhome but notspend too much.’``````RECYCLEDDINING‘Our table and chairswere a bargain. Iupcycled them usingLaura Ashley’s Ivoryeggshell paint andreupholsteredthe padded seats’``````CHUNKY LOOK‘As the units andwhite brick tiles arequite plain, we addedcharacter with a thickrustic beech worktop’``````in around our full-time jobs. But weunderstood it was important to be patientand do things in the right order – you haveto get the basic problems sorted beforeyou can start on the fancy stuff. And weknew the bathroom and kitchen would beleft until last because the flat roof had tobe tackled, which was a daunting job.``````A space for livingThe following spring we started work onour sitting room. Unfortunately, we weren’table to repair the existing floor, so we hadto find an alternative that didn’t look toosleek and shiny. It took ages to find a mattoak design with an aged feel, and becauseit was a big cost, we wanted to get it right.Throughout this time, I was constantlyrestoring and reupholstering our ownfurniture around my other jobs and storingit away. I couldn’t wait until the living roomwas finished and I was able to bring the``````IN THEDETAIL‘Pastel blueaccessories add asplash of colour,while Aegean Blueflagstones fromTopps Tiles bringcountry charm’``````‘CHANGING THE RADIATORS IN YOUR^HOUSE MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE AS ITIMMEDIATELY DEFINES THE STYLE’18 |SEPTEMBER 2016

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