Blueprint matt emulsion,£42 per 2.5ltr, Mylands``````Green Verditer matt emulsion,£38 per 2.5ltr, Little Greene``````Metallic gold, £15.95per ltr, Everlong Paint``````Choose fittedstorage. Flexispacerange, from £2,000including designand fitting, Sharps
Stylish schemesFOR TWEENSThink about your childâs personality, interests and style, and plana space where they can happily grow into fully-fledged teenagersTHEMES ARE POPULAR AT THIS AGE â MAKESURE IT
LASTS UNTIL THEYâRE OLDER BY CHOOSING ELEMENTSTHAT CAN BE CHANGED, SUCH AS CURTAINS AND RUGSDecorating for tweens is muchmore stylish than their previousyears â theyâve outgrown thecharacters and toys they onceloved and they know exactly what theywant. Bold colours and funky wallpapersare the name of the game for these9-12-year-olds. Itâs an ideal time toorganise space for homework stations,noticeboards and dressing tables.If siblings are sharing a room, it can bea daunting decorating task as you need toaccommodate enough storage and spacefor two, while still reflecting their individualstyles. Create defined zones by sectioningoff areas using dividing shelves, or, if youârerestricted with the layout, try paintingdifferent colours on each side to give theimpression of separate rooms.``````Fitted finishWhite bedroom furniture is always goingto stay in style and will last as they growup, and the more cabinets you have theeasier it is to keep a tweenâs room cleanand tidy. Sharps Flexispace range is perfectfor kids as it fits the maximum amount ofstorage into even the tiniest of spaces.Consider how you can turn items intomultifunctional pieces, too. For instance,using a drawer unit as a dressing table andseating area means this room will last rightthrough to their teenager years. And donâtforget to leave wall space for a full-lengthmirror and install suitable lighting.``````Deliciously darkThis age group want to feel like theyâregrown up, so choosing a more maturescheme will help. Bedrooms with a dark,bold colour palette are popular as itcreates a cosy environment where theycan relax and play. Paint furniture in asimilar hue for a coordinated look.``````Downtime denTurn a corner into a chill-out zone withbeanbags and oversized cushions. If youâretight on space, beds on low bases orwindow seats with heaps of cushions arejust as effective. It will provide a greatspace to encourage them to read, too.``````PICK YOUR PALETTETransform walls in an instant with a bright coat of paint
nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)