Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

The perfection of such following is that anger, grudge, or harm received do not stop anyone
who exemplifies this Attribute in his conduct from favouring others over himself and from
being good to them; thus are we taught by our master the Messenger of Allah. Four of his
teeth were once broken, and his face was bleeding, yet all of that uncalled for abuse to which
he was exposed at the hands of the infidels did not stop him from praying for them or from
wishing them good. Ibn `Abbas is quoted saying that he had heard the Messenger of Allah,
who had just finished his prayers, supplicating thus: "Lord! I plead to You for mercy from
You whereby You guide my heart, manage my affairs, unite my kinsfolk, and bring reform to
those who are absent from among my kin. I plead to You for security on the Promised Day,
for Paradise on the Day of Eternity, in the company of the witnesses who are near to You,
those who bow down and prostrate, who fulfill their promise..., for surely You are the Most
Merciful One, the Compassionate."

Regarding the explanation of the verse saying, "... for them will Allah bring about
love" (Qura'n, 19:96), the "love" referred to here means that Allah will make His creation
love them, that is, He will make His servants experience love and affection on their own
account. Supporting this explanation is a tradition wherein the Messenger of Allah says, "If
Allah loves one of His servants, He calls upon Gabriel to tell him so, whereupon Gabriel
loves that person, so he calls upon the residents of the heavens saying, `Allah loves so-and-so;
therefore, you, too, should love him,' whereupon the residents of the heavens respond to him
in the affirmative. Love for him will thus be disseminated among the residents of the earth."

  1. "Al-Majeed"

Allah has said, "The mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon you, O Ahl al-Bayt (People of
the Prophet's House); surely He is Praised, Glorified" (Qura'n, 11:73).

In language, majd is glory; when combined with good deeds, a person's own prestige will be
enhanced, so he will be called glorious. It also conveys the meanings of manliness,
generosity, open-handedness, and gracious conduct.

"Al-Majeed" connotes general honour or abundance of wealth. A man who is majeed is
extremely generous. Al-Majeed is Glorified to the utmost extent of Glorification due to His
own merits, qualities, and actions. He is also Great in His attributes, beautiful in His power
and authority. Al-Majeed has the utmost limit of glory; His benevolence is great. Al-Majeed is
the great One, the One Whose status is Sublime, Who is most Benevolent. His status is
tremendous, Whose Benevolence is great. He is Honoured, Whose actions are beautiful, Who
is generous in giving. Al-Majeed grants His favours to all others, Who is Glorified because of
His actions, Who is Praised by His creation due to His greatness. He alone has the perfect
Honour, the vast kingdom since time immemorial, the One Who does not disappoint anyone,
Whose will is always carried out. Whose Honour is not earned, Whose actions are never
abhorred, Whose benevolence is beautiful, Who gives most generously...

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