Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

has said, "Labbayka Haqqan Haqqa!" that is, "Here I am, O Truth, O Truthful One, here I am,
in obedience to You! Here I am, O antithesis of falsehood!" Surely He is the truth beyond any
doubt. Allah has said, "Then are they sent back to Allah, their Master, the true One" (Qura'n,
6:62). He has also said,

This is so because Allah is the Truth, and that which they call upon besides Him is falsehood.
(31:30) And Allah will show the truth to be true by His words. (10:82)

His promise is the very truth; He has said in this regard: Surely the promise of Allah is true.

Whenever the Prophet made tahajjud during the night, he would say, "Lord! All Praise is due
to You! You are the Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in them! All Praise is
due to You! You are the One Who sustains the heavens and the earth and everything in them!
You are the Truth; Your speech is the truth; Your promise is the truth; meeting with You is
the truth; Paradise is the truth; Hell is the truth; the Hour [of Judgment] is the truth! Lord! To
You have I submitted myself; in You have I believed; upon You have I relied; to You have I
returned; for Your sake have I disputed with others, based upon Your truth have I arbitrated;
so, I implore You to forgive my past faults and my future ones, what I have concealed and
what I have manifested! You are my Lord! There is no god but You!"

  1. "Al-Wakeel"

Allah has said, "... and trust in Allah, and Allah suffices as Protector" (Qura'n, 4:81, 33:3).

"Al-Wakeel" is one of the Attributes of Allah, these Attributes which link whoever repeats
them quite often, being aware of their meanings, to the gardens of Allah, the Truth, Who has
all the beauty, perfection, and glory. Al-Wakeel is the Sustainer, the One Who has taken upon
Himself to provide sustenance for His servants. He, and only He, takes charge of all the
affairs of those who are in His custody, under His care. According to linguists, "al-Wakeel" is
the One to Whom all affairs are entrusted to manage, Who provides His servants with
everything they need. In other words, He takes charge of everything. Al-Wakeel benevolently
looks after His pious servants. He is the One to Whom all affairs are referred, Who makes the
truth manifest; so, whoever relies on Him will be self-sufficient, and whoever seeks
sufficiency from Him will be independent and pleased.

The servants of Allah have entrusted their affairs to Him and relied on His benevolence due to
their inability to attain what they wish to attain versus His own ability to do so: He takes
charge of the conditions of His servants, Who manages them as He pleases. Those who
recognize Him will entrust Him to fare with their own affairs. He surely is the only One Who
truly fares with His servants as He pleases. If one of His servants entrusts Him to fare with his

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