Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

thirsty. Tawd is a prerogative, a privilege, of the Truth (the Almighty), yet His creatures are
simply curious. Among people are those whose actions portray their belief in Tawhid; they
look at everything that happens through Him. And there are those who, when the truth is
unveiled before their eyes, feel less and less concerned about anyone besides Him; they see
everyone to be as one secret within another...

Muhammed, the Messenger of Allah, has said, "Allah is One, and He loves oneness." This
tradition indicates that He loves the heart that is solely dedicated to Him, Glory and
Exaltation are His.

Al-Wahid, the One and Only God, protects you, the individual that you are, against the group,
a number of individuals, whereas the latter cannot protect you against Him. Al-Wahid cannot
be counted. He Alone is the source of all knowledge, the Only One Who reveals what is
hidden. His existence has neither a duration nor a limit, nor can anyone carry out a decision
against Him, nor can His Essence ever suffer any decrease or increase whatever.

  1. "Al-Samad"

Allah, Glory and Exaltation are His, has said, "Say: He, Allah, is One. Allah is He on Whom
all depend" (Qura'n, 112:1-2).

Al-Samad is an Attribute of Allah whose linguistic meanings include the following: the
ultimate goal, the obeyed Master without Whose command nothing can happen, the Support
of those who need to be supported, the One to Whom all matters are referred, the One to
Whom all issues are rendered and regarding which nobody else decides, the One to Whom
pleas are directed. A-Samad is approached to grant the pleas and is pleaded to make wishes
come true. He is the Master sought during the time of need. Arabs describe a household as
Samad if people go there in the hope of fulfilling their worldly needs. God is the final
destination, the ultimate goal. The one whom Allah enables to be sought to satisfy people's
needs, particularly those relevant to their creed, as well as those of every day life, the one who
serves their interests by word and by means is truly one upon whom Allah has bestowed a
great deal of goodness. It is goodness inspired by this Attribute.

Whoever recognizes Allah as the ever-Lasting Who never dies will turn away from the
adornments of this fleeting life and will have no desire for its material things... One of the
good manners of a believer inspired by this Attribute is that he does not seek help from
anyone besides Allah to help him meet his worldly needs, nor does he rely on anyone else
besides Him. He fashions his conduct after Him and becomes the one sought by people for the
fulfillment of their needs. According to one hadith, the Messenger of Allah has said, "One
who is most loved among people is the one who benefits them most."

  1. "Al-Qadir"

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