Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

In the Holy Qura'n, we read, "Say: He has the power to send on you a chastisement from
above you, or from beneath your feet, or throw you into confusion, (making you) different
parties, and making some of you taste the fighting of others. See how We repeat the signs so
that they may understand" (Qura'n, 6:65).

Both al-Qadeer and al-Qadir are among Allah's characteristics. They may be derived from
taqdeer, estimation or assessment, or from qudra, might, power, or ability. Al-Qadeer does
whatever He does according to the requirement of wisdom, no more, nor less. Al-Qadeer is
not among Allah's ninety-nine Attributes although it is repeated more than thirty times
throughout the text of the Holy Qura'n.

The root word of "al-Qadir" is the noun "qudra", might, power, prowess, ability, etc. Laylat
al-Qadr, the Night of Power or of Destiny, is surely the Night of the great honour. In the Holy
Qura'n, we read the following verse in Surat al-Ana`m: "And they do not honour Allah the
Great Honour due to Him" (Qura'n, 6:91), that is, they do not honour Him as He ought to be
honoured. The word "qadr" means that Allah is capable of doing anything without tackling it
or using any means, etc.; therefore, it does not exert or exhaust Him to do whatever He wants.
It means authority and power, that is, the complete dealing with the entire universe, the
cosmos, without being opposed by an opponent. Who can oppose Him or escape His grip?
His command is that whenever He decrees anything, he says to it: "Be!" and it is. It means the
One Who has the Complete power, Who is not frustrated by anything at all, He needs no
means to do anything. He measures His decree, Who manages the universe with might and
wisdom: "So We proportion it: how well We are at proportioning (things)!" (Qura'n, 77:23)
and also, "Surely We have created everything according to a measure" (Qura'n, 54:49). The
qadar is what Allah, the Most Honoured and Glorified, decrees and decides.

A servant of Allah has a measure of power to do a number of things, but it is deficient, for his
ability is limited. Allah, on the other hand, makes His servants capable of doing what they do
through His might. A servant of Allah has power to do a number of things, but he cannot do
everything. He cannot create things out of nothing. Only Allah can.

  1. "Al-Muqtadir"

As regarding the Attribute "al-Muqtadir", the Almighty has said, "They rejected all Our signs,
so We overtook them after the manner of a Mighty, Powerful One" (Qura'n, 54:42).

"Al-Muqtadir" is a superlative of "al-Qadir" which enhances the prestige and awe inspired by
the latter. Al-Muqtadir controls everything through His might which encompasses all His
creation. His might is endless, Who manages all affairs, Who manifests His might to the souls
through the light of His Attribute al-Muqtadir and thus grants them serenity and security.
They recognize and venerate His might in the late hours of the night and at both ends of the
day. The meaning it suggests is: "the One Whose Might is Great, Who, through His

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