Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

The root word of "al-Mutaali" isuluww, height, sublimity, loftiness. Its verb also means one
who feels proud, or even arrogant, with regard to someone else, and this usage is for humans.
We have already discussed the Attribute "al-Aliyy", which is also derived from the same root word. Al-Mutaali is Exalted in His Greatness and Honours, an Exaltation which nobody
reaches besides Him. His Honour is above what any of His creation can conceive or
comprehend, above what His creation describe, measure, compute, or define. Al-Muta`ali is
Sublime and is above everything due to His might or perfection. He, Glory to Him, is Most
High due to His Greatness. It also means He is high above deficiencies or shortcomings, or
above being conceived by anyone's imagination. He is very, very High above all His
creatures. He does not need any of what He creates or what He did not create; He created
them out of His Munificence. His Compassionate Attribute is surely gloriously manifesting
itself to all what He has created. He does not need the worship of those who worship Him; He
makes His grace available to all those who strive to attain it.

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