Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

The Messenger of Allah used to say, "Plead to Allah, being convinced of His answer to your
pleas, and be advised that Allah does not respond to the pleas of one who is inattentive,
indifferent." This tradition has been recorded by al-Tirmithi. He has also said, "No Muslim
pleads to Allah a plea wherein there is no desire for committing a sin nor the severing of the
ties of kinship except that Allah will grant him one of three good rewards: He will either grant
him an immediate response, or He may save the rewards for him in the life hereafter, or He
may keep its equivalent of evil away from him." His companions said, "Then we will plead to
Him a great deal, indeed." He said, "Surely Allah is greater still!"

The Messenger of Allah has said, "When you have a plea, plead to Allah, and whenever you
need help, seek help from Allah." In another tradition, he says, "Allah is too shy to disappoint
any of His servants who pleads to Him for something good."

  1. "Al-Wasi`"

The Most Exalted and Glorified One has said, "... whither you turn, there is Allah's purpose;
surely Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing" (Qura'n, 2:115).

"Al-Wasi" is one of Allah's Attributes, and its root word is derived from sia, spaciousness,
expanse, capacity, abundance, plentitude, etc. One may have an abundance of knowledge if
he is acquainted with a good deal of it, or he may have an abundance of means. In his book Al-
Nihaya, Ibn al-Atheer, who discusses Allah's Attributes, says that al-Wasi` can enrich
everyone who is indigent, Whose mercy encompasses everything. His authority never ends;
His benevolence is unlimited; His domain is endless. He never stops giving; He is never
distracted by knowing something from knowing another, nor by one issue from taking care of
another. His knowledge encompasses everything. His knowledge encompasses everything;
His might suffices everything. His mercy is spacious; He is independent; His authority is
above everything; His knowledge, might, and benevolence are the greatest. He is the One for
the meanings of Whose Attributes there can be no limit, Whose knowledge is spacious, and so
are His mercy and forgiveness; His domain is tremendous.

The Absolute al-Wasi` is Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He. There is no shore for the
spacious ocean of His knowledge. Had the seas been ink, they would have been consumed
before His words can ever be exhausted. There is no end for what He is capable of giving and

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