Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

Loving" (Qura'n, 85:13-14).

Linguistically, the root word of this Attribute means: to return, to go back. We supplicate
thus: "Lord! We plead to You to grant us a return to Your House," that is, to go back to the
Kaba after having visited it or after having been there. A man who is mueed is one who is
knowledgeable of certain issues/topics, etc. Al-ma`d means: the Day of Judgment. According
to one particular tradition, the Messenger of Allah has supplicated saying, "... and make my
abode in the hereafter good, for to it shall I return." It is narrated that Gabriel asked the
Messenger of Allah once, "O Muhammed! Do you have a nostalgic feeling for your place of
birth, to your homeland?!" He answered him in the affirmative, whereupon Gabriel quoted the
Qura'nic verse saying, "Most surely He Who has made the Qura'n binding on you will bring
you back to the destination" (Qura'n, 28:85).

Al-Mu`eed brings life back to the dead. He gathers all beings for the Judgment Day together,
lifting the veils from them and rewarding or punishing them, each according to what he/she
had said and done. He tries them about how they fared with the blessings He bestowed upon
them. Allah will cause all things (beings as well as inanimate objects) to come to naught, then
He will bring them back again into existence: "Say: The One Who brought them into
existence at first will give life [back] to them, and He is Cognizant of all creation" (Qura'n,

We ought to return to Allah regarding everything, and we have to bear in mind that Allah
created us when we were nothing at all; He determines our destiny.

  1. "Al-Muhyi"

Allah has said, "Allah gives life and causes death, and Allah witnesses whatever you
do" (Qura'n, 3:156).

Allah surely brings life to the bodies when He rejoins their souls to them. Al-Muhyi creates
life and grants it to whomsoever He pleases. He creates people out of nothing, then He brings
them back to life when the Day of Judgment approaches after their death. He brings life into
the heart of those who know through the light of His knowledge: "Is he who was dead then
We raised him to life and made for him a light whereby he walks among people like him
whose likeness is that of one who is in utter darkness from which he cannot come
out?" (Qura'n, 6:122). Allah gives life to the sperm and to the leech-like clot. He causes rain
to pour out of the clouds in order to bring life thereby to a dead land.

References to Allah bringing life back to the dead are numerous throughout the Holy Qura'n;
here are some of them:

So We said: Strike him (the dead corpse) with part of it (the sacrificed cow); thus does Allah

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