Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

thoroughly" (Qura'n, 27:88).

The root word of this Attribute is "majd," a noun meaning glory and honours. A man may be
said to be majid if he has descended from parents known to have established a deeply rooted
reputation of glory and honours. A majid person is very highly distinguished; he quite often
showers others with his favours.

The Attribute "al-Majid" means absolute perfection and dazzling glory; He is Beautiful in His
qualities and actions, Who treats His servants most graciously, most generously, manifesting
His Greatness to them through the light of His compassion for them. Among our supplications
is this one:

Lord! You are al-Majid al-Majid, the Doer of whatever pleases You! We plead to You to
grant us security on the Promised Day; Glory to the One Who has been Gracious unto His
servants through His Glory and Honours and is distinguished thereby! Glory to the One Who
is Great, Whose Honour is Great, Whose Generosity is vast!

The Attribute "al-Majid" underscores the meaning of the Attribute "al-Wajid", thus stressing
their common meaning of independence. Abu Tharr al-Ghifari, may Allah be pleased with
him, has quoted the Messenger of Allah quoting, in turn, his Lord saying, "O servants of
Mine! You are all sinners except those whom I have healed from sinning; therefore, seek My
forgiveness so that I may forgive you by My might. Whoever among you comes to know that
I am capable of forgiving, and he seeks My forgiveness, I shall forgive his sins and overlook
them. You are all to perish except those whom I guide; therefore, seek My guidance so that I
may guide you. You are all poor except those whom I enrich; therefore, ask Me so that I may
grant you sustenance. O servants of Mine! If the first of you and the last, whatever is moist
with you and whatever is dry, the living among you and the dead, should ever unanimously
become as pious as the most pious person among My servants, it will not increase My domain
as much as the wing of a mosquito. And if they all become as wretched as the worst wretch
among My servants, it will not decrease My domain as much as the wing of a mosquito. If the
first of you and the last, the moist with you and the dry, the living and the dead, were to ask
Me, it will not decrease what is with Me in anything at all just as any of you may pass by a
sea shore and immerse a needle therein then takes it out. This is so because I am al-Majid; I
do whatever I please; My giving is only a word: Whenever I desire something, I say to it `Be!'
and it is."

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