Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, and Allah insists on perfecting His
light though the unbelievers are averse thereto. (9:32) What?! Is he whose heart Allah has
opened for Islam, so he is in a light from his Lord (like the hard-hearted one)? Nay! Woe unto
those whose hearts are hard against the remembrance of Allah; surely they are in clear error.
(39:22) And the earth shall beam with the light of its Lord, and the Book shall be laid down,
and the prophets and the witnesses shall be brought forth, and judgment shall be issued
between them with equity, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly. (39:69)

There are more than forty references to light in the text of the Holy Qura'n. Some scholars are
of the view that the Attribute "al-Noor" is Allah's Greatest Name. They say that they cannot
see anything in existence without seeing the meaning of this Attribute manifested in it.

The Messenger of Allah used to supplicate to his Lord in the morning saying, "Lord! I invoke
You to create light in my heart, light in all parts of my body, light in my hearing, light in my
sight, light in my hair, light in my complexion, light in my flesh, light in my blood, light in
my bones, light before me, light behind me, light on my right, light on my left, light above
me, light underneath me! Lord! I implore You to increase my light, to grant me light, and to
create light for me."

  1. "Al-Hadi"

The Most Glorified and Exalted One has said, ... and sufficient is your Lord as a Guide and a
Helper. (25:31)

"Al-Hadi" is an Attribute derived, linguistically, from hidya, guidance, which means: to
attract someone to something, such as attracting the heart of a believer to al-Hadi, to the One
Who provides such guidance. Guidance means bringing the hearts closer to the Almighty.

Guidance is the following of one's sound reason and common sense and the graceful way of
bringing someone to the anticipated goal. He guides the elite from among His servants whom
He has chosen to know His Essence, so much so that they see things through Him, and He
guides the commoners among them to witness His creatures, so much so that they have seen
them as signs of His being their Creator and Sustainer. He has guided everything He created
to whatever means whereby it can satisfy its needs. He has guided the baby to suck the breast
of its mother, the young birds to pick the seeds, and the bees to build their honey-combs in
hexagonal shapes which are the best to suit the forms of their bodies, and such examples are
quite lengthy indeed.

Al-Hadi guides the guilty to repentance, and those blessed with knowledge to the facts
regarding nearness to Him. Al-Hadi occupies the hearts by truthfulness and equity, the bodies
by life and death. Al-Hadi has given everything He has created its shape and characteristics,

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