Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

and He guides whom He creates to the goals behind His creating them, to issues related to
their life in this world and to those related to their creed, in addition to everything else related
to them. He guides the hearts to know Him and the souls to obey Him; He guides the guilty to
the path of repentance, the sincere ones to nearness to Him after being far from it. He keeps
the hearts filled with love for equity and truth; He enables them to treat people justly. Al-Hadi
is in all reality Allah. Al-Hadi has guided the elite from among His servants to wisdom and

Whenever the Messenger of Allah woke up during the night for prayers, he would supplicate
to his Lord saying, "Lord! God of Gabriel, Michael and Israfil, Originator of the heavens and
the earth, Knower of the unknown and the Witness! You judge between Your servants
regarding that wherein they dispute! I plead to You to guide me to that wherein they have
differed, by Your will, for You guide whomsoever You please to a straight path."

  1. "Al-Badee`"

Allah, Glory and Exaltation are His, has said, Wonderful Originator of the heavens and the
earth! When He decrees an affair, He only says to it "Be!" and it is. (2:117)

In language, to originate is to bring about something without following a model or an
example. Al-Badee` is the Unique One; there is nothing similar to Him in His essence,
qualities, or whatever He does; He has manifested the wonders that He has created as the
most beautiful indications of His wisdom. He has created all cosmic worlds without a prior
model. He, Exalted is His Name, has said, "Wonderful Originator of the heavens and the
earth! How could He have a son when He has no consort, and He (Himself) created
everything, and He knows all things?" (Qura'n, 6:101).

"Badee" means: originator; one who does something new, originating its existence. "Bid'a" means something new, an innovation, simply because nobody before had said or advocated it. Allah is the Originator of all things without following a prior model. He did not learn their creation from anyone else; rather, He initiated the creation of all beings, so He is their Maker, the One Who started their existence. The Almighty, al-Badee, has brought everything into
existence without the use of a tool or any material, without being limited to time or space in
order to be able to do that.

Al-Badeehas manifested the wonderful things of what He has done and the extra-ordinary proofs of His wisdom. He is the Absolute One Who has no peer similar to Him in His qualities, wisdom, or anything related to Him; He, and only He, is the Absolute al-Badee
Who has created everything without following a prior model.

Since there is none like Him in His essence, characteristics, actions, or anything related to
Him, that makes Him the Absolute Originator. If such a thing is known commonly, it cannot

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