Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

said, "If there are twenty patient ones among you, they shall overcome two hundred, and if
there are a hundred, they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve" (Qura'n, 8:65).
This is victory with regard to prowess and number granted by Allah whereby He blesses those
from among His servants who persevere. "Lord! Pour down upon us patience, and make our
steps firm, and assist us against the unbelieving people" (Qura'n, 2:250), "Lord! Pour upon us
patience and cause us to die as Muslims" (Qura'n, 7:126).

[1] This tradition is recorded on p. 12, "Kitab al-Adab," Vol. 8 of al-Bukhari's Sahih.

[2] The word "lucky" is used here only because the Holy Qura'n states in 41:35 that the
residents of Paradise will surely be the very lucky ones. The Almighty's use of this word is quite
different from that of humans. It is humans' use of this word that we reject.

[3] Muslim, Sahih. It also is stated on page 260 of his "Book of Athkar."

[4] Abu Dawud, Al-Athkar, p. 81.

[5] Notice that the word "heavens" is used throughout this book as singular due to its
reference to one: the sky. If it is at all used in the plural, it will then be referring to the seven
layers or spheres of the sky. As for the word "heaven," it is often used by non-Muslims to refer
to Paradise. Non-Muslims' concept of Paradise is certainly different from that of Muslims.

[6] Abu Dawud, Jami` al-Fawa'id, Vol. 2, p. 410.

[7] al-Tirmithi, Sunan, Vol. 4, p. 379.

[8] Muslim, sahih, Vol. 4, traditions 33 and 35.

[9] The people of `Ad were Arabs who lived in upper Hijaz near the area where the people of
Thamud, also Arabs, used to live. Prophet Hud was sent to them; they did not heed his
warning, so they were annihilated. As for the people of Thamud, these used to live in Wadi al-
Qura in the 8th century B.C.

[10] These are: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammed.

[11] al-Bukhari, Sahih, Vol. 9, p. 206.

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