Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

can defend them against Us? (21:43)

Al-Maniis one of Allah's Attributes and is derived from man, the opposite of giving or
granting. It also means: to protect, to stop one thing from harming another or one group of
people from annihilating another. It is used to describe the defense of a house, a fortified
fortress, etc, against an enemy. It means: to protect and support. It means He has the power to
stop the causes of annihilation or deficiency in both creeds and bodies. He wards off evil to
protect and safeguard; He stops giving to whomsoever He pleases in order to try or to protect
them. He gives life to whomsoever He loves or does not love, but He does not grant the bliss
of the hereafter except to those whom He loves.

Al-Maniprotects and supports those who obey Him, and He stops some of His servants from doing what He does not want them to do while giving them what they want. He wards off the causes of perdition and diminution in matters related to creeds and nations due to what He creates of causes prepared for their preservation. Obstruction from the causes of annihilation, and the preservation of what is guarded against extinction, are the objectives of man and are
the ultimate goal. If man`, prohibition, is needed for the purpose of preservation, and the latter
is not needed for the sake of the first, then every protector defends and protects. Not everyone
who prohibits protects except that he prohibits the causes of annihilation and diminution.

Al-Mani` prohibits affliction from reaching His friends, or the complete abstention from
giving to whomsoever He pleases. If He prohibits affliction from reaching His friends, this is
due to His beautiful Grace, and if He stops giving to them, it will still be a great favour from

Allah grants the pleasures of the life in this world to those whom He loves and to those whom
He does not, but He does not protect the heart of a servant of His except when the latter is one
of His close friends.

Al-Maniwards off the causes of annihilation and diminution of creed and body by creating the means which protect it against annihilation and diminution. So, He creates some causes and prohibits others; He gives everything what serves its interests and prohibits what causes its damage. He makes some wealthy by giving them, and He stops giving to whomsoever He pleases to try them by affliction. He enriches and impoverishes; He makes some happy and some miserable; He grants some and withholds from others; He grants some and deprives others; so, He is both al-Muti, the Giver, and al-Mani, the One Who withholds. And He withholds giving from whomsoever He pleases, and His withholding may contain giving in disguise. He may withhold giving one of His servants abundant wealth and instead give him accomplishments and beauty. He may deprive one of His servants from enjoying good health and make him pleased with His decree. Al-Mani is also al-Mut'i: for within the withholding
there may be giving, and within the giving there may be withholding.

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