Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

Allah and is affected either through the angels, mankind, inanimate objects, or by other
means; so, do not think that poison, for example, kills by itself, or that food by itself satisfies
hunger. Angels, mankind, demons, or anything else in existence, such as planets, stars, or
other things, are all under His control; they do not do anything except what He has made them
do. Their totality, in addition to the eternal Power, is like a pen in the hand of the writer as
conceived by an illiterate. If a ruler signs the order to penalize or reward someone, the pen
whereby he signs such an order cannot tell the difference between one order and another, or
between what harm it is causing or what benefit, or even the difference between one of its
users and the other. This is the case with all means and causes.

Both al-Darr and al-Nafi` are referred to in various places in the Holy Qura'n; among them

Say: I do not control any benefit nor any harm for my own soul except as Allah pleases; had I
known the unknown, I would have had much of good and no harm would have touched me; I
am only a warner and giver of glad tidings to people who believe. (7:188) Say: I do not
control for myself any harm, nor any benefit, except whatever Allah pleases; every nation has
a term; when their term comes, they shall not remain behind for an hour, nor can they go
before (their time). (10:49) Yet when He removes the evil from you, lo! A party from among
you associates others with their Lord. (16:54) And when We make people taste of mercy, they
rejoice in it, and if evil befalls them for what their hands have done, lo! They despair. (30:36)

The portion a servant of Allah may obtain of the inspiration of these Attributes is that he
becomes "harmful" towards the enemies of Allah while benefitting the friends of Allah. In
Surat al-Ma'ida, the Almighty describes the faithful as "... lowly before the believers, mighty
against the unbelievers" (Qura'n, 5:54). Such a believer does not plead to anyone, nor does he
fear anyone except his Lord; he relies wholly on Allah. One who fully realizes that his Lord,
the Most Exalted One, is the One and only Who creates and makes things available, Who
alone brings new things into existence, he will then submit to Him and rely on Him regarding
all his affairs; he will then live enjoying a peaceful mind; he will be secure from people, and
he will provide counsel for everyone. His heart will have no room for deception nor

It is good to combine both of these Attributes, al-Darr and al-Nafi`, together, for at them it is
said that all Attributes end; He, Glory to Him, controls the means for people's harm and
benefit, and none can harm anyone nor benefit anyone besides Him; "... and suffices your
Lord for a Guide and a Helper" (Qura'n, 25:31). One who remembers both of these Attributes
will submit totally to Allah and will always feel that everything is from Him and returns to

  1. "Al-Noor"

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