Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

There are many derivations from this word in various places throughout the Holy Qura'n.
Among Allah's judgment with regard to His servants is that everyone will receive the rewards
of what he earns, and that his endeavor will be witnessed, noted, recorded, preserved; those
who do good deeds will receive eternal bliss, whereas those who sin will receive eternal
damnation. He makes righteousness the path to heaven and sinning the path to hell. Shurayh
ibn Hani has said that his father Hani ibn Yazid said, "I came to see the Messenger of Allah
once and he heard people calling me Abu [father of] al-Hakam.' He said to them,Al-Hakam
is Allah! Why are you named like that?!' I said to him, Whenever my people dispute with one another, I judge between them to the satisfaction of both disputing parties.' The Prophet then asked me if I had any sons.Yes. They are: Shuray, Abdullh and Muslim, sons of Hani.'
Who is their oldest?' the Messenger of Allah asked me. I told him it was Shuray. He then said,You are Abu Shuray,' then he invoked Allah to bless me and my sons." [6]

  1. "Al-`Adl"

Allah has said, "Surely Allah enjoins the doing of justice and of good deeds (to others) and
the giving to the kindred, and He forbids indecency, evil, and rebellion; He admonishes you
so that you may be mindful" (Qura'n, 16:90).

Adl means moderation; al-adl is above oppressing or being inequitable to anyone in His
decrees and actions. Rather, He grants everyone what is due to him; He puts everything in its
right place; nothing ensues from Him except justice. He does whatever He pleases, and His
decree regarding His servants is carried out.

In Surat al-Ana`m, the Almighty says, "And the word of your Lord has been accomplished
truly and justly; none can change His words, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing" (Qura'n,
6:115). He enjoins justice and equity and says the following in Surat al-Nisa' (Women):
"When you judge between people, you should judge with justice; surely Allah admonishes
you with what is excellent; surely Allah is Seeing, Hearing" (Qura'n, 4:58).

There are many traditions narrated about the Messenger of Allah pointing out to adl and highlighting the status of those who act upon it. One of them is his saying, "There are seven types of people whom Allah will shade on a Day when there will be no shade except His: a just imam, a young man who grows up adoring Allah, a man whose heart is always attached to mosques, two men who love one another for the sake of Allah: they meet and they part only accordingly, a man sought by a woman of prominence and beauty [for illicit sex] and to whom he says,I fear Allah,' a man who pays charity and hides his action, so much so that his

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