The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1


Allah killsscience
But all is not lost: Some things for which we can

Cha pte r8: The Lur e of Isl ami c Par adi se 99
What's behind Door Number One
Thejoyof sex
Howto gain entryinto Paradise
TheAssassins and the lure of Paradise

Cha pte r9:Isl am—Spr ead by the Swo rd? You Bet. 107
PC Myth: EarlyMuslims had no bellicosedesignson
PC My th : Th e na ti veCh ri sti an sof the Mid dl eEastan d
North Africa welcomed theMuslimsas liberators
PC Myth: Ea rly jihad warrio rs we re me re ly defe nd ing
Muslim lands from their non-Muslim neighbors
N o ton ly W es t,bu t East
What did the Muslims want?
PC Myth:Christianityand Islam spread in prettymuch
the same way

PartII : TH E CR US AD ES 119

Cha pte r10:Why the Cru sad esW e r e C a l l e d 121
PC Myth: The Crusades were an unprovokedattackby
Europe against the Islamic world
PC Myth;TheCrusades were an earlyexample of the
[Vest's predatory imperialism
PC Myth: The Crusades were fought by Westernersgreedyfor
PC Myth: The Crusades were fought toconvertMuslims
to Christianityby force

Chapter11: The Cru sad es Myt h andR e a l i t y 133
PC Myth:TheCrusaders established European coloniesin
theMiddle East

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