The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

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ThePoliticallyIncorrect Guide to Islam(and the Crusades

ho rr or s th e Mu sl im s co mmi tt ed wh en th ey oc cu pi ed th e
island of Nikki'.

Not only were many native Christians killed—others were enslaved:

Amr oppressed Egyptandtook considerable booty from this
co un tr y an d I Ila rg e nu mb er of pr is on er s, Th e Mu sl im s
retu rned to thei r coun try wit h boot y and capt ives. The patr i-
arch Cyrus felt deep grief at the calamities in Egypt, because
Amr, who was of barbarian origin, showed no mercy in his
trea tmen t of the Egyp tian s and did not fulf ill the cove nant s
which had been agreed with him,'

Chri stia n Armen ia also fellto the Musl ims amid simi lar butc herie s:
"The enemy's army rushed in and butcher ed the inhabi tants of the town
by the sword, ... After a few days' rest, theIsmaelites[Arabs] went back
whence they had come, draggi ng after them a host of captiv es, number-
ing thirty-five thousand"'
The same pat ter n pre vail ed when the Mus lims rea ched Cil ici a and

Caesarea of Cappadocia in 650. According to a Medieval account;

They [the Taiva ye, or Musli m Arabs ] moved into Cilic ia and
took pris oner s „ , and whenMuha mmadarri vedhe order ed
alltheinhabita nts tobe put to the sword; he placed guards so
thatno one escaped .After gatheri ngup all the wealth of the
town,they set to torturing theleaders tomake them show them
things[tre asur es] that had been hidd en. The Tai vaye led
ever yone into slavery—menandwomen, boys and girls—and
they commit te d muc h de ba uch er y in cha t unf ort un at e
to wn; th ey-wickedly committed immoralities inside churches.'

Calip hUmarmadeatell ing admis sion in a messag e to an under ling:
"Do you think," heasked, "that these vast countries, Syria, Mesopotamia,

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