The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1
Chapter 12


A C C O M P L I S H E D - A N D


ther e were many crus ades , but when hist oria ns refe r to "th e
Crusades" they generally mean a series of seven campaigns by troops

fro m Wes ter n Eur ope aga in st Mus lim s in theHol y Lan d.The Fi rs tCrusa de

wascalle d in 1095 and began in 1099; the Sevent h Crusad eendedin 1250. The
last Crusader cities fell to the Muslims in 1291.

  1. The Fir st Crus ade (10 98- 109 9) was the mos t suc ces sfu l; The
    Crus aders capt ured Jeru salem and esta blish ed seve ral stat es inthe
    Middle East.
    2_ Th e Se co nd Cr us ad e (1 14 6- 11 48 ) wa s an un su cc es sf ul—
    in de ed. dis ast ro us— at tem pt to re cap tu re a Cr usa de r st ate ,
    Edema , which had been conqu ered by the Musli ms in 1144. Atfirs t,
    it was dive rted to a succe ssfu l operatio n to reca ptur e Lisbon from
    the Musl ims in 1147; then, when it fina lly arriv ed inthe East , mos t
    of thi s army of Crus ader s was crus hed in Asia Minor in December
    1147 —before it ever reached the Holy Land.

  2. The Thi rd Cru sad e (11 88-119 2) was cal led by Pope Gre gor yVIII
    in the wakeofSalad in’scapt ure of Jeru sale m and dest ruction of the
    Crusader forces at Hattin in 1187, This Crusade wasdomin ated by
    stron g perso nalit ies who were often at odds with one another,
    Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, King Richardthe

Guess what?
After the Crusades,the
Muslims resumed
their attempts to
conquer Europe by
* Christians were as
responsible as Mus-
lims for the Islamic
conquest of Eastern
Europe; They made
short-sighted and
ultimately disastrous
alliances with jihad

  • Western leaders who
    think non-Muslims
    ca n "w in he ar ts
    and minds" among
    Islamic jihadists are
    similarly naive and

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