The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1
Chapter 13


If the Crusa des had never taken place , what kind of a world
wouldwe liv e in tod ay? Wou ld the re be pea ce, und ers tan din g,
and goo dwil l bet wee n Chr ist ian s and Mu sl im s? Wou ld the
Isl ami c wor ld be fre e of the suspi cion and often downri ght
paran oiawith whic hit regar ds somuch that comes from the West?
After all,Amin Maalouf says, "there canbenodoubtthat theschism
between thesetwoworlds dates from the crusades,deeply felt bythe
Arabs, even today, as an act of rape."'
Or would the world be different in other, quite unexpected ways? Do
thewords "St, Peter's Mosque in Rome" mean anything to you?
PC Myth: The Crusades accomplishednothing
Facedwith the Muslims' continuedpursuit ofjihad even into the heart
of Europe, the Crusaders'inability to establish any lasting states or
continuedpre se ncein th e Hol y Lan d, and th e enm it y th at th e
Crusad es un dou bt ed lysow edno t on ly bet we en Ch ri st ia ns
an dMus li ms,bu tbetween Easter nand Wester n Christi ans, most
histor ians have deemed the Crusades a failure,
After all, their objective was to protect Christia n pilgrims in the Holy
Land.The y ori gin all yest abli shedthe Crusa der state s for this reas on.
Butafterthe Second Crusade, those states were immensely diminished,

Guess what?
Although the Cru-
sades failed in their
primary objective.
the ypla yed a key
roleinstaving off the
jihad conquest of
Thepeoples wholived in
the "tolerant, pluralistic
societies" of old
dwindled down to
tiny, harassed,
despised minorities.
Islamicdistaste for
unbelievers isa
history and persists
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