The PoliticallyIncorrect Guide to Islam(and the Crusades)
Fascinat ing, maybe—but only as evidence of the lengths to which
modern Westerners are willing to go to delude themselves,
PCMyth: The problem the world faces
today is religious fundamentalism
Is every religious tradition equally capable of giving rise to violence?
Thisnot ion , wid esp rea d as it is ,wou ld hav e a lot mor e cre dib ili ty
if PatRobertson and Jerry Falwell were writing articles defending the
stoning of adulterers (as did the Switzerland-based Muslim writer Hani
Ramadan-who publi shed an articl e in the Fren ch jour nalLe Mon de
inSept ember 2002 doing just that), or calling for the killing of
blasphemer s (blasphe myis a capi tal offe nse in Paki stan and
else wher ein theIsla mic worl d) notflying planes into the iconic
buildingsof those they considered enemies.
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Muh amm ad vs. Jes us
"And when those whowere abouthim sawwhat wouldfollow, they said, 'Lord,
shall we strike with the sword?' And one of them struck the slave of thehigh
priest and cut off his right ear. But Jesus said. 'No more of this!" And he touched
his ear andhealed him:
1 Jesus (Luke 22:49-51)
- Narrated Abu Qilaba: Arias said, 'Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribecame toMedina and its
climatedid notsuit them. After they became health y, they killed the shephe rd of theProphe t
and drove awayall thecamels The news reached the Prophet early in themorningand he sent
(men) in their pursuitandthey were captured and brought atnoon.He then ordered to cut their
hands and feet {and it wasdone), and their eyes werebrandedwith heated pieces of iron. They
were put in Al-Harra and whenthey asked for water, no water was given to them' Abu Qilaba
added, 'Those people committ ed theftmurder, became infidels after embracing Islam aridfought
against Allah and His Messenger"'