The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1
Islam mid Christianity; EquivalentTraditions?

glob e for even long er. Like it or not, it
has even formed those who rejec t the
Chris tian faith. Chr ist ia nit y al so sha res
key mor al principles with Judaism—
principles that pervade the West but donot
universally carry over into Islam, These
principles are the fountain from which
modern ethicists have drawn the concept of
universal human rights—the foundation of
Western secular culture.
Yeagley observes, "The Cheyenne people
have a saying ; A nation is never
conquer ed unti l th e he ar ts of it s
wo me n ar e on th e gr ou nd.... When
Rachel denoun ced her people she did it
with the serene selfa High Priestess reciting a liturgy. She said it without fear of criticism or-confidence of
censur e.Andsherecei ved none. The other student s listen ed in silenc e,
theireyes moving timidly back and forth between meandRachel, as if
unsure which of us constituted a higher authority.... Who had
conquered Rachel's people? What had led her to disrespect them? Why
did she behavelikeawoman of a defeated tribe?"
Why indeed? The ultimate end result, as Yeagley points out, is defeat:
Peoplewhoare ashamed of their own culture will not defend it.
That's why telling the truth about theCrusades,Christianity,andthe
West is not a matter of cultural cheerleading or religious apologetics.
It'sessential element of the defense of the West against today's global

A Book You're Not

. Supposed to Read
How the Catholic Church Built
Western Civifizctionby ThomasE.
Refinery, 2005. Hereis a bookthat
everyonein theWesternworld—non-
Catholicas wellas Catholic—should
read. Itvividlyillustrates howmany
features of Western life and thought
originated in theCatholicChurch,
and puts to rest the PCnotionthat all
religious traditions aremorally

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