The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1

The Jihad Continues

was supposed to raise its sword in the face of this treacherous
agent who changed Dar al-Islam into Dar al-Kufr and realized
for the kuffa r a dream they had wishe d for a long time. How-
ever, the Islamicummawas overwhelmed, in the worst stateof
decl ine. So the crim e took plac e and the kuffa r tigh tene d
their grasp over the Islam ic land s and tore it up into piece s.
The y div ide d the one umma int o nat ion ali tie s, eth nic iti es
and tribes; they tore up the single country into homelands and
reg ion s in whi ch the y est abl ish ed bor der s and bar rie rs. In
place of a single Khilafah state they established cartoon states
and inst alle d rule rs as agen ts to carr y out the orde rs of thei r
kuffar masters. They abolished the Islamic Shari’ahfrom the
sphere of ruling, economy, international relations, domestic
trans actio ns and the judici ary. They separ ated the deen from
the state and confined the Islamic deen to certain rituals, like
those in Christ ianit y. They worke d to destr oy the Islami c cul-
ture and upr oot the Isla mic tho ught s to pla nt in the ir pla ce
western thoughts and culture.

Onlyone thingwill fix this problem
A new cal iph and res tor ed Isl ami c uni ty are the onl y thi ngs tha t
can rep airthese wrongs. Allah willed,says theHizb ut-Tahrir
tha t the Isla micummasho uld rea wake n agai n and revi ve fro m her
decline and realise that her rescueisonly by the re-establishment of the
Chilafah. ?"'
When jihad fighters streamed into Iraq in 2003, eager for a showdown
with American troops, Mullah Mustapha Kreikar, leader of the Muslim
terror ist group Ansar al-islam,placed their struggle in a larger religious
context (from his safe haven in Norway): "The resistance is not only a
reaction to the American invasion, it is part of the continuous Islamic

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