The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

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ThePolitically incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades

eigh t peopl e in Swit zerla nd on susp icio n of aidi ng suic ide bomb ers in
Saudi Arabia, some Muslims in Switzerland wore in no mood to clean
house: "As far as we're concerned." said Nadia Karmous, leader of a
Muslimwom en' s gro up in Swi tze rla nd, "th ere isnoris e in
Isl ami sm,rather an increase in Islamophobia."
This pattern has recurred in recent years all over the world as
"Islamophobia." ha s pa ss ed in to th e la rg er le xi co n an d. be co me a
se l f-perpetuating industry. In Western countries, "Islamophobia" has
taken aplace beside "racis m," "sexis m,' and "homoph obia.' The
absurd ity ofthis was well illustrated by a recent incident in Britain:
While a crew wasfilmin g the haras sment of a Muslim for a movie
about "Isla mophob iatwo pass ing Brit s, who didn 't real ize the
came ras were roll ing, stop pedto defend the person being assaulted.
Yet neither the filmmakers norreport ers coverin g these events seemed
to realiz e that this was evidenc ethat theBritishwere not as violent and
xenophobic as the film they werecr eati ngs u g g e s t e d. '

Historia n Victor Davis Hanson has ably explain ed the dangerous shift
of focus that "Islamophobia" entails:

The re rea ll y is n't a phe no men on li ke "Is la mop hob ia"—at
lea st no more tha n the re was a "Ger mano phob ia" in hat ing
Hit ler or "R us so ph ohia " in det est ing Sta lin ism. Any
unf airness or rudeness that accrues from the 'security profiling"
of Middle Eastern young males is dwarfed by efforts of Islamic
fascists themselves—here in the U.S., in the UK. the Nether-
lands, France. Turkey, and Israel—to murder Westerners and
blow up civili ans, The real danger to thous ands of innoc ents
is not an occasional evangelical zealot or uncouth politician
spo uti ngoff abou t Isla m, but the deli bera tely orch estr ated and
very sick anti-Semitism and anti-Americanismthat floods the
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