The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and theCrusades
non-literal minded believer treats women better and is committed to:
pluralism and peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims.
That is something that even Musdah Mulia and others like
her cannot hide from forever.
Misrepresenting Islam
Besi des the deni al that unple asant eleme nts of Islam are "tru e Islam ."
some Muslim advocacy groups and their allies routinely brand true
statements about Islam as "hate speech," InDecember 2004, CAIRissued a
predictably venomous reaction to some observations made by former CIA
official Bruce Tefft.CAIRobjected to statements by Tefft such as "Islamic
terrorism is based on Islam as revealed through the Qur'an," "To pretend
that Islam has nothing to do with September 11 is to willfully ignore the
obviousandto forever misinterpret events," and "There is no difference
between Islam and Islamic fundamentalism, which is a totalitarian
construct." CAIR called onthe Canadian branch of the Simon Wiesenthal
Cent er,whic h spo nsore d Tef ft' saddr ess, "to cond emn thes e Isla moph o-
bic remarks in the strongest possible terms. Characterizing Islamand its
revealed text as promoting terrorism can only lead to increased anti-
Muslim prejudice and intolerance,'
"As an organization that says it is committed to 'fostering tolerance and
understanding,"' CAIR fulminated, "the Simon Wiesenthal Center must
immediately repudiate all Islamophobic rhetoric and hold its Canadian
office accountable for failing to challenge the speaker's hate-filled views."
Of cou rse , inligh t of the fact that many Musl ims advoc ate jiha d and
base their arguments on the Quaran and Sunnah, Tefft didn't invent this
conn ecti on.Butinst ead of work ing to refu teit thro ugh the se sour ces
CAIR took aim at Tefft.
CAIR says that it was established in order to "promote a positive image
of Islam and Muslims in America," and declares "we believe misrepre-