The Politically Incorrect Guide la Islam and the
It may still be possible that these blasts were accidental, and that
things went wrong at the refinery to cause five separate explosions at
aroundthesame time.And maybe there was no terroristinvolvement.
Buthow did the FBI know that before even investigating?
These are just two examples of a consistent pattern, as terrorism expert
Daniel Pipes has documented:
On March1, 1994, on theBrooklyn Bridge, a Muslimnamed
Rashid Buz started shooting atavan filled with Hasidic
boys,murderin g one of them.' FBI: It was "road rage.""
On February24. 1997, attheEmpireState Building,a Mus-
lim nam ed Ali Abu Ka man sta rte d sho oti ng at tou ris ts,
kill ing one and woun ding six befo re kill ing hims elf. New
York mayor Rudol ph Giuli ani infor med the publi c that he
had "many, many enemies in his mind."
On July 4, 2002, atthe Los Angeles International Airport
cou nte r of El Al, the Isr ae li nat io nal air lin e, a Mu sl im
named Hesham Mohamed Ali Hadayet started shooting at
people. He killed two. The FBI initially said that there's
not hing to indi cate terr oris m." Howe ver, afte r it came to
light that Hadayet may have been involve d with al Qaeda
and was known for his hatred for Israel, the FBI finally did
classifythis as a terrorist act.'
The Beltway snipers, John Muhammad and Lee Malec, who
were linked to eighteen shootings and ten murders in the
Washington,D.C. area inOctober2002.were twoconvertsto
Islam. Before they were caught investigators ascribed the
crimes to an "angrywhite man:" theperpetrators turned outto
be two black men. After they were caught, the media per-
sis ten tly ref err ed to Joh n Muha mmad as Joh n Wil lia ms.
ignoring his conversion to Islam and consequentname