C h a p t e r 1 7
The window of free speech in Americ a is closin g—at least regar ding
The white washin g of Islam and jiha d goes farthe r than tende ntious
propa ganda. Hones t inves tigat ions of the cause s of Islami c terro rism
are incre asingl y terme d "hate speec h" by the PC estab lishm ent. CAIR
has filed numero us lawsui ts again st those who say thing s about Islam
that it doesn' t like—makin g for a chill ing effec t on those who speak the
trut h about the religi on. "Ther e's no doubt that CAIR under stand s this,"
notesNatio nal Review's John Derbys hire. "They have Saudi oil money
behin d them and finan ce is no issue at all to them. They essen tiall y
have infin ite funds. They will shut up everyo ne. On the topic of Islam,
free speec h. is dead."'
Meanw hile, Islami c jihad ists have their own metho ds of silen cing
critics, as the murder of Theo van Gogh last year on the street s of
Amste rdam illus trate s.
The chillingof freespeech in America:Fox's
24 andCAIR
24 is a FOX TV drama about terrorism. Episodes have featured Bosnian terrorists,
German terrorists, South American terrorists, and terrorists
Guess what?
One Australian state
has outlawedspeak-
ing thetruth about
lslam. ..and Great
Britaln and other
countries are con-
templating similar
Violent Islamic
intimidation has
come to the Westthe
night Theo vanGogh
was murdered on an
Is lam -
to Christianity
live in fear even in
the United States.