The Politically Incorrect Guide to lslam (and the
legislatures all over the Western world makes this a threat to us all example,
TonyBlair's government introduced a bill banning "Incitingto Rel igio us
Hat red ." sha mel ess ly pan der ing to the gro win g Mus lim vo te r bl oc in
Br it ai n. It pr ov ed to o co nt ro ve rs ia l an d wa s dr op pe d in Apri l 2005 ,
but it is sti ll ver y much. a live iss ue and cou ld bec ome law in Bri tai n in
the near fut ure .' The Aust ral ian cas e slows the end res ult of such laws.
One of the pastors, Daniel Scot, is Pakistani. He fled his native homeseve nte en
year s ago whe n he ran afo ul of the not ori ous Sect ion 295 of the penal code,
which mandates death or life in prison for anyone who blasphemes"the sacred
name of the holy Prophet Mohammad" This treach erousl y elastic statut e that is
oflen used to snare Christi ans who find themse lves charged with blasphe my if
they are cornere d and madeto state they don't believe Muhammad was a prophet,
Scot wentto Australia, where he encountered the Australian state of Victoria's new
religious vilification laws, Judge Michael Higgins of theVi ct ori an ci vi l an d
Ad min is tr at iv e Tr ib una l fo un d hi m gui lt y of vi li fing Islam in a seminar
hosted by his group. Catch theFire Ministr ies.The judge noted that during the
seminar. Scot stated "the Quran promotes viole nce, killi ng and looti ng," In light of
Qur'an ic passa ges suchas 9:5. 2:191, 9:2g, 47:4, 5:33 and many others, this cannot
seriously be a matter of disput e, Aswe know, Muslims have pointed to verses in
theBibl e tha t the y cla im are equi val ent in viol enc e and off ens ive nes s. but
have claimed that the great majority of Muslims don't take such versesliterally.
However, it takes a peculiar ly strong resistan ce to the truth todeny that such
verses exist, and to charge anyone who points them out with religious vilification.
Yet Higgi ns wasn 't fini shed. He also scor ed Scot for cont endi ng that the Qur'an
"treats women badly: they are to be treated like a fieldplough,'use her as you wish,'"
and that in it, "domestic violence in a