Criticizing Islam.May Be Hazardous to Your Health
and told I'd better repent or I could not go back home with my family."
Another convert reported that she had not yet told her family that she had
become a Chris tian. "I know they'r e going to disow n me," she said, "if
they don't kill me." In a free Arnerica, you say?
What happens when the law looks the other way
These people have to livein fear because of the long-entrenched and con-
tinuin g unwil lingne ss on the part of Americ an author ities to face up to
the realities of Islam. Law enforcement officials either haven't known or
haven't cared that Islam mandates the death penalty for those who leave
the religion. lf they knew that this provision even existed, they probably
assume d that Musli ms who settle d in the United States would discar d it
and accept the values of American society.
Many have, but an unknownnumberhaven't, and it is time this fact is
acknow ledge d. This is espec ially tough for Weste rners , howeve r, since
the concept of apostasy is so foreign to today's secular society. Although
the Falls Churc h conve rts are Chri stian s, this is not solel y a Chri stian
issue,Freedomof conscience should be a concern of everyone who pro-
fess es an int ere st in hum an ri ght s. The hu man ri ght s or gan iza ti ons
should be the first to defend these people. American government and law
enforcement officials should rush to their aid in the name of freedom.
Butbecause ofthePC stranglehold on discussion of Islam, and because
shady groups like CAIR have managed to claim victim status for Ameri-
can Mus lim s, nei the r the rig hts gro ups nor the gov ern men t
hav e yetNoticed that the converts even exist.