The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

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ThePoliticallyIncorrect Guide to Islam(and the Crusades

fo rt hr ig ht ly to ld th e Ge rm an ne ws pa pe r Di e We lt : "E ur op ewi ll be

Islamic by the end of the century.'

Or maybe soone r: If demogr aphic trends conti nue, Franc e, Holla nd,
and other Western European nations could have Muslim majorities by the
middle of this century. Meanwhile. these growing Muslim minorities are
incr easin gly asse rtive and disr upti ve, Consi der some rece nt indi cator s
from other European nations:

 Swede n's thir d-large st city, Malmo, has become a Middle
East outpost in Scandin avia. A quarte r of the city's popula-
tion is now Muslim, and that number is rapidly growing. Nor
are.the Muslims of Malmo inclined to be peaceful and toler-
ant. Even the police are afraid: "If we park our car it will be
damaged—so we have to go very often in two vehicles, one
just to protect the other vehicle," reported a police officer in
Malm o. Mean whil e, Swedi sh ambu lanc e driv ers will not
enter some areas ofMalmo unless police accompany them.'
 The Nordgardsskolen in Aarhus, Denmark, has become the
fir st Dan e-fre e sch ool. The stu den ts now com e ent ire ly
from Denmark's fastest-growing constituency: Muslim
 Also in Denmark, the Qur'an is now requiredreading for all
upper-secondary schoolstudents.' There should be nothing
wrong with requirin g students to read the Qur'an, but given
the current ascendancy of political correctness on the Conti-
nent, it is unlikely that critical perspectives will be included.
Pa kis tan i Mu sli m lea der Qa zi Hus sai n Ahm ed gav e an
add re ss at the Isl ami c Cul tur al Cen ter in Osl o. He was
allowed into the country despite that fact that, according; to
Norway'sAftenposten,he "has earlier made flattering com-
ments about Osama bin Laden, andhisparty, Jamaat-e-
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